Thursday, September 16, 2004

Promise of More Reviews

I haven't been watching as many movies lately, partially because of TCM's lousy September schedule and also because of new network TV. However, there is a Van Johnson movie that I have taped, a little gem from 1956 called Slander. And next Monday, they're showing A Guy Named Joe, which I am totally looking forward to as Van's breakthrough movie role. And it's also probably the only movie where you won't see his forehead scars.

I'm also working on the musicals. I wrote a couple of good reviews of in the other blog that will be good starting points. I'm hoping to do a more in-depth recounting of the plots -- although for some, it will be less -- and then discussing it critically and as a musical fan. It's a bit ambitious, and since I'm moving soon, it may be tabled until I get settled in my new place. But it will happen! I will review ten musicals hopefully by the end of September!

FILE UNDER: News and Notes ; Van Johnson


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