Thursday, September 09, 2004

The Thin Man Omnibus

TCM showed all the of the Thin Man movies last night. I kind of watched The Thin Man and went to bed midway through the second one, but I taped all the other ones. (My eight hour tape wasn't enough to tape all of them and I wasn't getting up at quarter to six to put in a new tape.) Anyway, it was fun. I really like Myrna Loy. She's just so cute.

Myrna Loy and William Powell from The Thin Man

And best of all, it reminded me of the episode of Mathnet when George Frankly and Pat Tuesday posed as Nick and Nora Chuck (what an homage!) to solve a murder. And there was the butler Peeved who kept saying "I'm Peeved" to which Nick or Nora would say "I'm a little ticked off myself." Oh, that was an awesome show.

Nick and Nora Chuck from Mathnet

Okay, so the point of this blog isn't to get all nostalgic about old TV shows, but at least they're related!

And since I started this post, I appear to have missed taping the last Thin Man movie -- The Song of the Thin Man (with Keenan Wynn!) -- because I used PM instead of AM. Anyway, I'm hoping to finish up the 31 Movies in 31 Days Challenge (which has now become 31 Movies in 41 Days!) tomorrow and get together some cohesive thoughts on The Thin Man series over the weekend. Plus I have several film related books that I've finished reading but haven't managed to write up yet. Yes, you can look forward to hearing all about Ginger Rogers and her many, many marriages. Plus Scientology: not just for crazy modern stars!

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