Monday, August 30, 2004

16. The Man Who Knew Too Much

I love Alfred Hitchcock's films, but this is definitely one I won't seek out again. The Man Who Knew Too Much is actually a remake of a previous Hitchcock film, and stars Doris Day and James Stewart as the man who knew too much.

The plot is kind of interesting -- the McKennas (Stewart and Day) are on vacation in Morocco with their son Hank. They wind up talking with a man on the bus ride who will later die in the marketplace after passing some secret information on to Dr. McKenna. This information will cause the family all of their problems, and their son Hank will be kidnapped to keep them from sharing the info about the assassination attempt in London.

After thwarting the authorities in Morocco, the McKennas go back to London, where Jo had had a successful career on the stage, to find their son. Their search becomes more desperate and despite some problems finding the right Ambrose Chapel (it's not a man but a place), they manage to put the clues together and stop the assassination attempt in Albert Hall. They later find the kid through singing "Que Sera, Sera" and everyone ends up safe and happy.

The Man Who Knew Too Much, to me at least, wasn't as much fun as Hitchcock's films usually are. I'm more of a fan of the ones that have single male protaganists, and having Day in the film -- along with her song "Que Sera, Sera" -- just wasn't as fun as the Jimmy Stewart-Hitchcock films had been. (With the exception of Vertigo, which is just seriously a weird film, no matter how critically praised.) Oh well, at least I'm working my way through the Hitchcock ouevre!

FILE UNDER: Classic Film ; 31 Films in 31 Days Challenge