Friday, July 30, 2004

Introducing Cable TV

I have been watching movies and reading movie related books -- but I just haven't had the opportunity to write about them lately. (Yes, things are busier at work!)

But today I am getting cable television installed. And with it I will have several movie channels, including (best of all!) TCM. And August is going to be an excellent month for TCM. It's a different star every day -- and I've already gone through their schedule and have found thirty-one movies that look good. THIRTY-ONE! That's a movie a day! So my goal for August is to write about a movie a day. And as August ends, I'm going to try get up my thoughts on several movies I've recently seen, why Van Johnson remains fascinating to me, how Jimmy Cagney is actually kind of hot, and the books I've been reading. All in the next forty-eight hours!


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